We are America, Traditional Americans who believe in our founding fathers intent of Our Constitution, Our Declaration of Independence and Our Bill of Rights. We believe that we are One Nation under God, of the People, by the People, for the People and we will NOT perish from this earth. We are America, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.... and WE WILL NOT BE RULED!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


AMERICA, we thought we were safe during the Cold War. Think again. When Totalitarian Regime's and Communistic Organization knew they could never overtake America by military and technological force, they began implementing these Strategies to overtake America from within.

Gramsci's Strategy was different from all other Socialistic Totalitarian Strategies in the fact that he added the important concept that to overthrow a Judeo-Christian culture one must first destroy their God.

America began to crumble when we started deserting Our Creator God and all the Foundational Principals this Great Nation of America was founded upon.

Take a good look America, We have been deceived!

Strategy of Communist Antonio Gramsci, 1891-1937

...A. The New Order (L'Ordine Nuovo)
......1. Italian Communist newspaper, founded 1919
......2. Co-founder of Italian Communist Party, 1921
......3. Pre-Prison Writings, ed. Richard Bellamy (Cambridge, 1994)
......4. Selections from the Prison Notebooks (Intl. Publishers, 1971)

...B. Lenin was wrong, and the Leninist revolution will fail
......1. The workers will see the revolutionary government as a new boss
......2. When the revolution fails, the west will re-import Capitalism

...C. Gradual revolution through infiltration & subversion by revolutionaries
......1. Infiltrate the State: elective & appointed office; judgeships
......2. Infiltrate the military: enlist & subvert from within
......3. Infiltrate justice: undermine and discredit state constitutions
......4. Infiltrate education: professors & administrators
......5. Infiltrate & discredit religion: scoundrels as clergymen
......6. Register, then license, then confiscate all privately held weapons

...D. Form or infiltrate international organizations to promote goals such as "global understanding," "economic development," "transfer of resources"

...E. Both Capitalism and Judaeo-Christian culture must be destroyed before a Communist revolution can succeed
......1. Religious sentiment cannot be destroyed through legislation, as Lenin believed, but must be redirected from the divine to the state
.........a. Terror will only drive Religion underground
.........b. Religion will then reemerge when Leninism fails
.........c. So Religion must be destroyed in the minds of men
......2. Infiltrate religious academies and become priests and clergymen
.........a. Subtly promote heresy within religious organizations
.........b. Infiltrators must act so as to discredit the church
............(1) Cause financial and sexual scandals
............(2) See that this is given a high profile in the news
............(3) Like-minded infiltrators in the media will cooperate
......3. Once religion is discredited from within, continuously promote the idea that only the state can solve the problems that have been traditionally brought before the church

...F. When propagating revolutionary ideas, cloak them in polite terms
......1. National Consensus
......2. Popular Mandate
......3. National Pacification
......4. Pluralism
......5. Global Community
......6. Economic Justice
......7. Economic Democracy
......8. Liberation Theology
......9. Direct Action

...G. Marxists "must enter into every civil, cultural, and political activity in every nation, leavening them as yeast leavens bread."

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