We are America, Traditional Americans who believe in our founding fathers intent of Our Constitution, Our Declaration of Independence and Our Bill of Rights. We believe that we are One Nation under God, of the People, by the People, for the People and we will NOT perish from this earth. We are America, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.... and WE WILL NOT BE RULED!

Friday, June 25, 2010


America, are we so gullible that we will one day wake up under Communism and not even realize when we lost our Freedom!


I really don't believe that some leftist members of Congress are ardent socialists. But many are lured with the utopian promises of socialism. Some have not educated themselves enough about the evils of socialism and so invoke terms such of "fairness" and "social justice" without putting their ideology, policies and proposals into any historical context - I really don't think Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and others have the intellectual curiosity, capability or discipline to even begin to address this.

And then there are those who are in fact ardent socialists who stand shoulder-to-shoulder with members of the Communist Party. Some of them have the ear of our president and like the flies that occasionally seem to be attracted to him, Barack Obama does not brush them away. Is there an intricate plot to subvert America? Perhaps not. Are there efforts to dismantle and destroy free market capitalism and our basic freedoms to create a socialist utopia? I believe that there are. There are just too many examples of administration aides and advisors spouting Marxist slogans and propaganda. There is a Marxist temperament about this administration that should disturb and frighten any freedom-loving American. If it doesn't at least raise your eyebrow that Barack Obama, as a teen, was mentored by Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party of the United States of America, and that Obama made it a goal to surround himself with "Marxist professors" and be spiritually advised by Marxist preachers, then you will think that what I am saying is just crazy, conspiracy theory babble.

I was riveted to the TV last night watching Glenn Beck. As Beck relates, our children don't know about the evils of Communism and socialism. It is not taught in schools and they didn't live through it like many of us had. Beck's presentation of Ezra Taft Benson's warning from the past, is chilling to say the least:


As we talked face to face, he (Nikita Khrushchev) indicated that my grandchildren would live under communism. After assuring him that I expected to do all in my power to assure that his and all other grandchildren would live under freedom, he arrogantly declared in substance: "You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright; but we'll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you'll finally wake up and find that you already have communism. We won't have to fight you; we'll so weaken your economy, until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands."

If you didn't catch this episode of Glenn Beck last night you can read the transcript of see it here:


Can't recommend this highly enough.



Sunday, June 6, 2010


America is a walking, talking time bomb. I actually believe that Obama is doing everything he can to start a Revolution in the streets of America so he can declare A National Emergency. We must not give him that power.

My son worked as a policemen while going through College. He has many police and X-Military men as friends. I do not know how true this is, but they have told him that the day Obama took office he started training a Militia. He has angered our own Military, which makes me wonder if he really does not need them. I watch at how he bows to our enemies and they have armies they could send with the drop of a hat. With a National Emergency called and his Militia along with armies from other enemy nations, Obama could take over our Nation in a matter of hours.

A Revolution is the last thing America needs with Obama in office. A Revolution could mean the death of America and millions of citizens.

America must UNITE UNDER GOD and listen to the Voices of our forefathers. The men that founded this Great Nation came from all over Europe. They knew these strategies, they experienced first hand Tyranny. Read the Federalist Papers and learn all of the Constitution. There is a original intent to our Constitution that MUST be implemented to save our Country. There lies the Key, the Hope and the Victory. Do not take my word for it.... Study, Learn, Listen to our founding fathers. They left us everything we need to turn this Nation around. But WE THE PEOPLE must UNITE, UNDER GOD and armor up with KNOWLEDGE. Knowledge is POWER!

This Tea Party Movement of American Citizens is what Obama fears the most, but without the Knowledge to defeat him, we have no Power.

This is the only Nation on earth that has ever been a REPUBLIC. WE THE PEOPLE in order to form a more PERFECT UNION...... listen to our Founding Father's Voices, they speak to us from the grave.

Please note my Blog on States Sovereignty. The message came from a Constitutional Lawyer who leads a Study Group for Tea Party Nation. Listen to his words.


Saturday, June 5, 2010


AMERICA, we thought we were safe during the Cold War. Think again. When Totalitarian Regime's and Communistic Organization knew they could never overtake America by military and technological force, they began implementing these Strategies to overtake America from within.

Gramsci's Strategy was different from all other Socialistic Totalitarian Strategies in the fact that he added the important concept that to overthrow a Judeo-Christian culture one must first destroy their God.

America began to crumble when we started deserting Our Creator God and all the Foundational Principals this Great Nation of America was founded upon.

Take a good look America, We have been deceived!

Strategy of Communist Antonio Gramsci, 1891-1937

...A. The New Order (L'Ordine Nuovo)
......1. Italian Communist newspaper, founded 1919
......2. Co-founder of Italian Communist Party, 1921
......3. Pre-Prison Writings, ed. Richard Bellamy (Cambridge, 1994)
......4. Selections from the Prison Notebooks (Intl. Publishers, 1971)

...B. Lenin was wrong, and the Leninist revolution will fail
......1. The workers will see the revolutionary government as a new boss
......2. When the revolution fails, the west will re-import Capitalism

...C. Gradual revolution through infiltration & subversion by revolutionaries
......1. Infiltrate the State: elective & appointed office; judgeships
......2. Infiltrate the military: enlist & subvert from within
......3. Infiltrate justice: undermine and discredit state constitutions
......4. Infiltrate education: professors & administrators
......5. Infiltrate & discredit religion: scoundrels as clergymen
......6. Register, then license, then confiscate all privately held weapons

...D. Form or infiltrate international organizations to promote goals such as "global understanding," "economic development," "transfer of resources"

...E. Both Capitalism and Judaeo-Christian culture must be destroyed before a Communist revolution can succeed
......1. Religious sentiment cannot be destroyed through legislation, as Lenin believed, but must be redirected from the divine to the state
.........a. Terror will only drive Religion underground
.........b. Religion will then reemerge when Leninism fails
.........c. So Religion must be destroyed in the minds of men
......2. Infiltrate religious academies and become priests and clergymen
.........a. Subtly promote heresy within religious organizations
.........b. Infiltrators must act so as to discredit the church
............(1) Cause financial and sexual scandals
............(2) See that this is given a high profile in the news
............(3) Like-minded infiltrators in the media will cooperate
......3. Once religion is discredited from within, continuously promote the idea that only the state can solve the problems that have been traditionally brought before the church

...F. When propagating revolutionary ideas, cloak them in polite terms
......1. National Consensus
......2. Popular Mandate
......3. National Pacification
......4. Pluralism
......5. Global Community
......6. Economic Justice
......7. Economic Democracy
......8. Liberation Theology
......9. Direct Action

...G. Marxists "must enter into every civil, cultural, and political activity in every nation, leavening them as yeast leavens bread."